Author: Amy C. Waninger
e037. Ask for What You Need with Dr. Larissa Estes White
Including You Interview with Dr. Larissa Estes White Full Interview Transcript [00:00:35] Amy: Welcome back to Including You. I’m Amy C. Waninger, the Inclusion Catalyst. My guest today is Dr. Larisa Estes White. She is the Executive Director of All In, Alameda County, California. Since 2014, all In has been a strong and innovative force…
Company News (Q1 2023) [530 words]
Today, we’re offering a peek behind the curtain, into some of the great things happening within Lead at Any Level®. We have a lot to celebrate! Celebrating Five Years in Business Last December, we celebrated our five-year anniversary as a company. Only about half of small businesses live to see this milestone, according to the…
e036. Associate-Centric with Noël France
Noël France (she/her) is the Vice President, DE&I of Avantor. A Fortune 500 company, Avantor is a leading global provider of mission-critical products and services to customers in the biopharma, healthcare, education & government, and advanced technologies & applied materials industries. Avantor employs 14,000+ employees globally. Links Connect with Noël France on LinkedIn Follow Avantor…
Invest in Your Employees…or Someone Else Will [624 words]
Last month’s unemployment numbers were the lowest in more than fifty years, even with tech layoffs dominating recent news cycles. When there are so few people looking for work, filling open positions takes longer and costs more. This means you want to keep your existing employees—and keep them engaged—to avoid costly turnover. Let’s be clear.…
e035. It’s a Calling with Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk
Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk has been named a Top 15 Champion of Diversity by Diversity Global Magazine. Christopher is transitioning into new role, to be announced soon. Connect with Christopher on LinkedIn Including You Podcast Interview with Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk e035. It’s a Calling with Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk [00:00:35] Amy: Welcome back to…