Author: Amy C. Waninger
e035. It’s a Calling with Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk
Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk has been named a Top 15 Champion of Diversity by Diversity Global Magazine. Christopher is transitioning into new role, to be announced soon. Connect with Christopher on LinkedIn Including You Podcast Interview with Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk e035. It’s a Calling with Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk [00:00:35] Amy: Welcome back to…
e034. Diverse Representation with Earl Newsome
Earl Newsome (he/him) is the co-chair of TechPACT, a group of CIOs, leaders, and professionals in IT that are on a mission to amplify people and partnerships to reduce the digital divide and pursue representative diversity throughout the technology community by the end of the decade. Links Connect with Earl Newsome on LinkedIn Follow TechPACT on LinkedIn…
Unconscious Bias Training Won’t Change Your Culture [879 words]
You may have heard that diversity & inclusion training doesn’t work. (Everyone seems to be saying so.) For some companies, that may be true, especially where there is a lack of commitment to real and lasting progress. But unconscious bias training can’t do all the heavy lifting on an organization’s behalf. Getting intentional about this…
Layoffs Suck. Here’s What to Do About It [623 words]
Make no mistake: layoffs suck. As a tech worker in the early ’00s, I was laid off, downsized, right-sized, made redundant, reorganized, and otherwise asked to leave more jobs than I care to count. The first few times, I panicked. But then I found a better way forward. No matter what side of a layoff…
e033. People Data with Trav Walkowski
Trav Walkowski (he/him) is the Board Chair of Employmetrics. Employmetrics is a global People Operations Consultancy offering embedded and project-based services. They design strategies informed by people analytics and Put Data to Work. Employmetrics employs 300+ globally. Connect with Trav Walkowski on LinkedIn Follow Trav Walkowski on Twitter Follow Empoymetrics on LinkedIn Follow Empoymetrics on…