Author: Amy C. Waninger

  • Establish a Home Base for Networking Online [101 words]

    Choose a “primary” social media platform that aligns with your goals and that allows you to develop deep professional relationships. Take some time to build out a profile that reflects your personality, work style, and ambitions. Highlight your accomplishments and unique talents. Be clear about what you offer and what you’re looking for. Take advantage…

  • Ignore The Numbers [95 words]

    The promise of social media is that we can connect with thousands of people (or more) with a few clicks. But we can quickly lose ourselves in meaningless metrics like number of followers and “impression” stats. If your goal is networking, challenge yourself to ignore the numbers and focus on making meaningful connections with real…

  • Set a Networking Goal [102 words]

    Take a moment to consider what you want to accomplish. The way you approach networking will depend on your goals. If you seek to move up in your current field, build your brand and network accordingly. Someone looking for a career change may need to start by laying foundations in a new industry. If you’ve…

  • Calling Bullshit on the “Pipeline Problem” [849 words]

    This week, Wells Fargo CEO Charles Scharf told members of his own company’s Black talent group that there just isn’t enough Black talent in the pipeline (and was compelled to issue an apology just 24 hours later). I’ve heard this “pipeline problem” argument from white male executives for years. It’s bullshit. (Scharf’s statement, by the way, came just two…

  • COVID-19 Pandemic Response from Lead at Any Level®

    Lead at Any Level® understands and appreciates that events around the world are being postponed, canceled, or converted to virtual formats in response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. Short-Term COVID-19 Response For this reason, we have already been contacting clients to discuss alternate arrangements for events scheduled through the end of May 2020. We will…