Category: Articles
Finding the O-Ring in Your Organization
I was perplexed that the CEO was not understanding why we could not “record” the facilitated conversations around race that she was proposing that I conduct. I am a #culturefacilitator. A certified culture facilitator is responsible for assessing a company’s health and giving feedback to the head of the organization. The purpose is to determine how to make…
Is a “Rockette Rule” Hurting Your Organization? [983 words]
Your organization may have a Rockette Rule that keeps talented people out of leadership? Ask around, and you’ll find it.
Identify Your Network Dream Team [104 words]
Who are the people you’d most like to have in your network? While everyone else is influence-chasing, focus on building real relationships with people who matter to you. Think about your personal board of directors “dream team.” Your list should include potential executive mentors, trusted recruiters, and professionals in your target roles. But don’t overlook…