Category: Articles
Inclusive Networking: 3 Ways to Say “You’re Welcome” [886 words]
Identifying missing perspectives in your network is relatively easy. And finding people who can fill those gaps isn’t terribly difficult. But how do you attract people who differ from you? How do you make yourself the light in the room to which they are drawn? In this article, I propose three pillars of inclusive networking…
Go to the Conference That’s Not for You [652 words]
When I travel, I use the opportunity to connect face-to-face with people from past work lives. This keeps me active and engaged with my CHAMP network, even when we don’t have an immediate overlap of interests. And I love hearing what my friends are learning through new jobs, challenges, and relationships. During one such trip,…
Race and Privilege: 10 Steps in the Right Direction (I Hope) [990 words]
In the United States, few words are more polarizing than “race” and “racism.” Yet, Americans suffer from constant racial tension, race-based economic disparities, and institutionalized racism. White Americans must listen to people whose experiences and perspectives could inform and enlighten us. Our blindness to our own privilege is oppressive. Our sense of entitlement is embarrassing.…
My Book, My Business, and My Mission [422 words]
I recently connected with Executive Coach Andre Boykin of Capital Idea. The first question he asked me was, “What are you creating in the world?” I loved the way he phrased the question. And I hope he doesn’t mind that I will be using it in the future. Later that day, I had an equally…
Economics for Women: Or, “Did you hear yourself just now?” [697 words]
Do you frequently travel alone? If so, you’ve probably had any number of “single-serving” conversations with the person next to you on the plane. It’s what people do when we can’t manage to avoid eye contact effectively. Sometimes those conversations are a wonderful surprise. On my way to Charlotte, for example, the gentleman in the…