The Four Stages of Leadership Evolution [234 words]

Leadership Evolution: Command-and-control leaders ask only “Is work getting done?”
Servant leaders ask “Do my employee have what they need to get the work done?
Strengths-based leaders ask, “Is everyone doing the work that best suits them?”
Inclusive leaders ask, “Is each employee consistently included, celebrated, and allowed to take risks in ways that matter to them?”

The fourth stage of leadership evolution, Inclusive Leadership, is essential for companies that want to keep their employees — and keep them engaged.

Watch: The Four Stages of Leadership Evolution

Leadership Evolution: 4 Stages

  1. Command-and-control leaders ask only “Is work getting done?” This approach is a holdover of the industrial era. We should leave it in the past, where it belongs.
  2. Servant leaders ask “Do my employee have what they need to get the work done? These leaders may see themselves as carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, especially when employees struggle or processes fail.
  3. Strengths-based leaders ask, “Is everyone doing the work that best suits them?” These leaders know that employees are happier, more engaged, and more productive when their work is aligned with their natural talents.
  4. Inclusive leaders ask, “Is each employee consistently included, celebrated, and allowed to take risks in ways that matter to them?” They know that every workplace is inclusive for someone, and few workplaces are inclusive for everyone. Inclusive leaders recognize whether each team member is “all in” or holding back. These leaders do everything they can to avoid leaving trust (and talent) on the table!

Just One More Question

What’s the prevailing leadership style in your organization? If you’re ready for your company’s leaders to evolve to the next level, we can help! Schedule your complimentary consultation today!

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Amy C. Waninger Author Bio

Amy C. Waninger is the Founder & CEO of Lead at Any Level, where she improves employee engagement and retention for companies that promote from within. Amy offers assessments, advisory services, and training on essential skills for inclusive leaders. She is the author of eight books. Learn more at

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  1. […] how others perceive their leadership style enables leaders to make adjustments that can lead to more effective team management and overall organizational […]