Author: Amy C. Waninger
Choose the Best Candidate, Not the Most Obvious One [680 words]
When you make a decision about your own career, you want to consider the most important factors and make the best choice. If you are a hiring manager, you must also make decisions about other people’s careers. Taking on this level of responsibility requires you to understand and guard against your own biases. After all,…
Resumes and Interviews: Reducing Bias for Inclusive Hiring [723 words]
Unconscious bias can influence our hiring processes in ways we don’t readily recognize. This makes it hard for us to recognize qualified candidates who may not conform to our expectations. Once you’ve ensured that your job postings are inclusive, it’s time to take the next step in your selection process. This article offers four suggestions for…
Job Descriptions: 4 Tips for Attracting Diverse Candidates [744 words]
Are you ready to expand your team or backfill an open position? If so, first take a moment to consider the importance of job descriptions and job postings in diversifying your company, team, and professional network. For many candidates, the first time they will learn of your organization is when they see a job description for…
Transparency, Authenticity, and Vulnerability: Storytelling for Leaders [515 words]
Transparency, authenticity, and vulnerability are tools anyone can use to create stronger relationships. For leaders who seek to be more inclusive, authentic storytelling can accelerate trust and shape culture within your organization. Transparency derives from an attitude of servant leadership. Authenticity demands a great deal of self-awareness. And vulnerability requires incredible courage and self-confidence. If…
Inclusive Networking: 3 Ways to Say “You’re Welcome” [886 words]
Identifying missing perspectives in your network is relatively easy. And finding people who can fill those gaps isn’t terribly difficult. But how do you attract people who differ from you? How do you make yourself the light in the room to which they are drawn? In this article, I propose three pillars of inclusive networking…