There are 7 billion altruistic reasons to be a mentor: one for each person on the planet. In case you’re not motivated by do-gooderism, I’ve compiled more than a dozen completely selfish reasons to sign up to be a mentor.
Why Be a Mentor?
- Combat the Dunning-Kruger Effect and Impostor Syndrome
- Gain confidence
- Build an industry talent pipeline
- Discover new strengths
- Build new skills for your resume
- Learn from your protege
- Expand your professional network
- Find content for your blog
- Recognize your unique areas of expertise
- Remind yourself how far you’ve come
- Gain a new perspective on your own work and career
- Help peers fill open positions
- Learn about barriers to entry that may exist for your profession, industry, or company
- Helping others increases happiness
- Leave a professional legacy
- Compound your own success
- Be seen as a leader among your peers
Whether your reasons are selfish or altruistic, someone needs you! Make 2018 the year you expand your influence through new mentoring relationships.
Where can you mentor?
- your own company (contact your HR department)
- Employee Resource Groups within your company
- professional associations within your industry
- Toastmasters International
- high schools
- colleges
- prisons
- trade schools
- formal mentoring organizations
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- YMCA programs
- American Corporate Partners program for veterans
- your place of worship and other faith-based programs
- youth sports organizations
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