Invest in Your Employees…or Someone Else Will [624 words]
Last month’s unemployment numbers were the lowest in more than fifty years, even with tech layoffs dominating recent news cycles. When there are so few people looking for work, filling open positions takes longer and costs more. This means you want to keep your existing employees—and keep them engaged—to avoid…
e035. It’s a Calling with Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk
Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk has been named a Top 15 Champion of Diversity by Diversity Global Magazine. Christopher is transitioning into new role, to be announced soon. Connect with Christopher on LinkedIn Including You Podcast Interview with Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk e035. It’s a Calling with Christopher Bylone van Sandwyk…
e034. Diverse Representation with Earl Newsome
Earl Newsome (he/him) is the co-chair of TechPACT, a group of CIOs, leaders, and professionals in IT that are on a mission to amplify people and partnerships to reduce the digital divide and pursue representative diversity throughout the technology community by the end of the decade. Links Connect with Earl Newsome on…
Unconscious Bias Training Won’t Change Your Culture [879 words]
You may have heard that diversity & inclusion training doesn’t work. (Everyone seems to be saying so.) For some companies, that may be true, especially where there is a lack of commitment to real and lasting progress. But unconscious bias training can’t do all the heavy lifting on an organization’s…
Layoffs Suck. Here’s What to Do About It [623 words]
Make no mistake: layoffs suck. As a tech worker in the early ’00s, I was laid off, downsized, right-sized, made redundant, reorganized, and otherwise asked to leave more jobs than I care to count. The first few times, I panicked. But then I found a better way forward. No matter…
e033. People Data with Trav Walkowski
Trav Walkowski (he/him) is the Board Chair of Employmetrics. Employmetrics is a global People Operations Consultancy offering embedded and project-based services. They design strategies informed by people analytics and Put Data to Work. Employmetrics employs 300+ globally. Connect with Trav Walkowski on LinkedIn Follow Trav Walkowski on Twitter Follow Empoymetrics…
Better Development Planning Conversations [378 words]
If your fiscal year starts on January 1st, you’re probably in the middle of some goal-setting conversations with your team members. You’re probably also looking at professional development planning goals and activities for the year. Being an inclusive leader means co-creating customized development goals for each team member. It’s your…
Coach Your Employees to Self-Promote [770 words]
Being an inclusive leader means recognizing that some of your team members may be too humble for their own good. They want their work to speak for itself. But you know that employees need to self-promote effectively if they want their work to be noticed. It’s your job to coach…
Building Culture on Purpose (A Case Study) [602 words]
As an executive, how much time do you spend cultivating the culture of your organization? Company culture often seems amorphous, and you may be tempted to write it off as “someone else’s job.” But, when your remote team is growing rapidly, ignoring culture can impede progress and create stress for…
e032. Employee Voices with Eric Thomas
Eric Thomas (he/him) is the Global Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of Genesys. Every year, Genesys orchestrates billions of remarkable customer experiences for organizations in more than 100 countries. Genesys employs more than 6,000 people globally. Links Connect with Eric Thomas on LinkedIn Follow Genesys on LinkedIn Follow Genesys…
e031. Insuring Equality with Elisa Stampf
Elisa Stampf (she/her) is the CEO & Co-Founder of Insure Equality, a non-profit tech company committed to creating cultural change within the insurance industry by amplifying the voices that are typically excluded or minimized. Insure Equality’s impact extends across 30+ states with pledge signers, storytellers, volunteers, etc. reaching close to 600…
e030. Fostering Inclusion with Teresa Belthrop Hairston
Teresa Belthrop Hairston (she/her) is the Head of Diversity Inclusion and Belonging at Delta Dental. Delta Dental values of Trust, Service, Excellence, and Innovation represent the character of the organization. They inform their behavior and guide their decision-making to shape their workplace culture. When they bring their values to life, they ensure…
e029. Psychological Safety with Sacha Thompson
Sacha Thompson (she/her) is the Inclusive Culture Curator and Coach of The Equity Equation. The Equity Equation helps organizations design and curate inclusive environments where all team members and populations feel valued, seen, heard, and connected. Links Connect with Sacha Thompson on LinkedIn Follow The Equity Equation on LinkedIn Follow Sacha…
e028. Unlearning Racism with Marcine Pickron-Davis
Dr. Marcine Pickron-Davis (she/her) serves as the Chief Diversity and Community Relations Officer at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM). Since 1899 PCOM has trained healthcare professionals to see the whole person—not just the symptoms. They focus on preventive health—developing attitudes and lifestyles that help prevent disease—as part of their…
e027. Disability Inclusion with John Samuel
John Samuel (he/him) is the Cofounder and CEO of Ablr360. Ablr is a team of passionate people, with different experiences and abilities, focused on delivering Disability Inclusion and Accessibility strategies. They provide companies with the tools and resources to break down accessibility and cultural barriers. They aim to create a…
e026. Long-term Commitment with James Thomas
James Thomas (he/him) is the Director DEI/Engagement/Recognition of Alaska Airlines. Alaska Airlines has been flying since 1932 and is notably recognized as a stand-out performer among domestic carriers in the United States. Alaska Airlines employs 23,000 Total Employees. In this episode, Thomas reveals the level of commitment required to advance inclusion…
e025. Wellbeing & Belonging with Patti Fletcher
Patti Fletcher (She/Her) is the Chief Marketing Officer at Limeade. Limeade is an immersive employee well-being company that creates healthy employee experiences. Limeade Institute science guides its industry-leading software and its own award-winning culture. Today, millions of users in over 100 countries use Limeade solutions to navigate the future of…
e024. Nontraditional Education with Parish Jefferson
#IncludingYouPodcast Interview with Parish Jefferson Interview Transcript [00:00:48] Amy: Welcome back to Including You. I’m your host, Amy C. Waninger. My guest today is Parish Jefferson. He’s the regional director of university partnerships and the board chairman of the One Full Stack ERG with Full Stack Academy prepares students for…
LGBTQ+ Music Industry Icons
From Elton John to Lil Nas X, here are some of the most Iconic LGBTQ+ artists who used their voices to let the world know it’s ok to be gay!
e023. Self-awareness w/ Tony Holmes
#IncludingYouPodcast Interview with Tony Holmes Tony Holmes Interview Transcript [00:00:48] Amy: Welcome back to including you. I’m your host, Amy C Waninger. My guest today is Tony Holmes. He’s the director of talent and diversity of United way Houston, which transforms individual lives and brings long lasting systemic change to…