Author: Amy C. Waninger
17 Completely Selfish Reasons to Be a Mentor [217 words]
There are 7 billion altruistic reasons to be a mentor: one for each person on the planet. In case you’re not motivated by do-gooderism, I’ve compiled more than a dozen completely selfish reasons to sign up to be a mentor. Why Be a Mentor? Combat the Dunning-Kruger Effect and Impostor Syndrome Gain confidence Build an industry…
Network Beyond Your Industry: 7 reasons to connect with “outsiders” [581 words]
Network as Broadly as Possible In my programs on networking, I stress the importance of diversifying your professional network. This includes expanding your network beyond your current industry. The first step in assembling your CHAMP network, after all, is to build a relationship with your customer. And customers almost always work in a different industry.…
7 Signs You’re the Office Bully [316 words]
Author’s note: This article is adapted from my book, Network Beyond Bias. 7 Questions for Self-Reflection Think there’s no way you’re an office bully? Ask yourself the following questions, and answer them honestly: In the last six months, have I told someone they’re being “too sensitive” in response to something I said? Have I told…
Microaggressions: You SHOULD Sweat the Small Stuff! [853 words]
Author’s note: This article is adapted from my book, Network Beyond Bias. Walking Away with Papercuts Before we talk about microaggressions, let’s engage in a thought experiment: Imagine for a moment that every time you interacted with a particular colleague (we’ll call them Pat), you walked away with a papercut. Every handshake, every meeting, every…
5 Easy Ways to Show Respect for Trans People [493 words]
Author’s note: This article is adapted from my book, Network Beyond Bias. You don’t need to understand someone to show respect for them. Respect can be defined as “to feel or show polite or courteous responses to the wishes or judgments of others.” For trans and nonbinary individuals, respect means acknowledging and accepting their identities.…