Creepy Behavior Won’t Go Unnoticed [317 words]
Okay, ladies, pull up a chair. I need to tell you something important. It’s about that creep at the office, his behavior, and so much more.
A Tennis Legend’s Unforced Error [587 words]
Last week, tennis champion Naomi Osaka explained that she would not participate in post-match interviews during the French Open. The pressure of the game was enough. The scrutiny of the press, a fear of public speaking, and a long struggle with anxiety and depression represented a clear and present danger…
Vulnerability: Why It’s More than Okay to Ask for Help
In my years working in leadership and diversity instruction and consultation, one of the most powerful lessons I learned myself was how much power there is in acts of vulnerability. And in the spirit of that lesson, I freely admit that even with my years of experience in this field,…
Pink-Collar Jobs
Jobs historically staffed by women are known as “pink-collar jobs.” Here’s how we can start valuing women’s work equitably.
Six Jobs That Have Remained Resilient In The Covid-19 Era
The economic fallout of the Covid pandemic has been devastating. Governments are crawling in debt but individuals are feeling the impact even more. Across the globe, millions of people have lost their jobs. Some lost it because their offices folded up or could no longer afford to pay them. While…
Beyond Hiring: Take a Multifaceted Approach to Diversity and Inclusion [608 words]
Your next hire is just one decision of many that can affect your D&I metrics. You need to go beyond hiring initiatives to create a real and lasting impact.
Help Job Seekers and Hiring Managers [87 words]
Someone in your network is probably hiring right now. You probably know several people looking for a job, ready for a promotion, or dissatisfied in their current roles. Try reposting resumes or open positions when you see them in your feed. If you know people personally who might make a…
Connect with Customers [79 words]
Regardless of your role in a company or industry, you need to understand your organization’s customers. For networking purposes, anyone who could be buying your company’s product or service is a customer. Connect with them on social media. Join user communities and fan pages. See if you can glean why…
Montage Your Change Journey [393 words]
Are you facing a tough challenge or change at work? You might get frustrated if you expect steady progress or quick resolution. None of us is going to glide smoothly from start to finish. So, what do you do when you hit a rough patch? Your answer can mean the…