Resumes and Interviews: Reducing Bias for Inclusive Hiring [723 words]
Unconscious bias can influence our hiring processes in ways we don’t readily recognize. This makes it hard for us to recognize qualified candidates who may not conform to our expectations. Once you’ve ensured that your job postings are inclusive, it’s time to take the next step in your selection process.…
Job Descriptions: 4 Tips for Attracting Diverse Candidates [744 words]
Are you ready to expand your team or backfill an open position? If so, first take a moment to consider the importance of job descriptions and job postings in diversifying your company, team, and professional network. For many candidates, the first time they will learn of your organization is when they…
Transparency, Authenticity, and Vulnerability: Storytelling for Leaders [515 words]
Transparency, authenticity, and vulnerability are tools anyone can use to create stronger relationships. For leaders who seek to be more inclusive, authentic storytelling can accelerate trust and shape culture within your organization. Transparency derives from an attitude of servant leadership. Authenticity demands a great deal of self-awareness. And vulnerability requires…
Inclusive Networking: 3 Ways to Say “You’re Welcome” [886 words]
Identifying missing perspectives in your network is relatively easy. And finding people who can fill those gaps isn’t terribly difficult. But how do you attract people who differ from you? How do you make yourself the light in the room to which they are drawn? In this article, I propose…
Go to the Conference That’s Not for You [652 words]
When I travel, I use the opportunity to connect face-to-face with people from past work lives. This keeps me active and engaged with my CHAMP network, even when we don’t have an immediate overlap of interests. And I love hearing what my friends are learning through new jobs, challenges, and…
Race and Privilege: 10 Steps in the Right Direction (I Hope) [990 words]
In the United States, few words are more polarizing than “race” and “racism.” Yet, Americans suffer from constant racial tension, race-based economic disparities, and institutionalized racism. White Americans must listen to people whose experiences and perspectives could inform and enlighten us. Our blindness to our own privilege is oppressive. Our…
My Book, My Business, and My Mission [422 words]
I recently connected with Executive Coach Andre Boykin of Capital Idea. The first question he asked me was, “What are you creating in the world?” I loved the way he phrased the question. And I hope he doesn’t mind that I will be using it in the future. Later that…
Economics for Women: Or, “Did you hear yourself just now?” [697 words]
Do you frequently travel alone? If so, you’ve probably had any number of “single-serving” conversations with the person next to you on the plane. It’s what people do when we can’t manage to avoid eye contact effectively. Sometimes those conversations are a wonderful surprise. On my way to Charlotte, for…
Mining for Gold: 4 Ways to Discover Your Personal Brand [544 words]
Many articles on networking will advise you to start with your “elevator pitch.” Having a quick, canned, fluid introduction is certainly important. It is not, however, the beginning. First, you must understand very clearly who you are, what you want, and what you have to offer. There are a number…
Successful Networking Starts with Understanding Yourself [536 words]
Author’s note: This article is adapted from my book, Network Beyond Bias. Knowing who you are and understanding yourself and your unique value is the foundation for successful networking. Are you your own worst critic, disproportionately attuned to your mistakes, shortcomings, and weaknesses? To network effectively, you must instead recognize…
Can’t Take a Compliment? How You’re Punishing People Who Praise You [582 words]
If You Can’t Take a Compliment, Expect to Stop Getting Them Many people can’t take a compliment gracefully. You may be one of them. Do you punish people when they pay you a compliment? Let’s find out! Imagine you just presented a proposal during a team meeting. Also, imagine your…
The Secret to Getting More Praise at Work [1065 words]
Getting More Praise at Work Starts with Your Attitude Want to know the secret to getting more praise at work? Learn to take a compliment! Accepting praise is hard for some of us. Yet, deep down, we like to know when we’re doing a good job. If you struggle with…
Increase Your Net Worth: Diversify Your Network Portfolio [378 words]
You’ve probably heard that “your network is your net worth.” Let’s think about that for a moment. Your network is an investment, like your 401(k). You wouldn’t put your life savings into just one company’s stock. And you wouldn’t pick your investment portfolio based on where your friends or cousins…
Change Your Perspective: 3 Ways to Override Your Defaults [529 words]
Author’s note: This article is adapted from my book, Network Beyond Bias. In previous posts, I have explained the nature of unconscious bias and tips for breaking out of default thinking patterns. There is so much more you can do to change your perspective. If you’re ready for a new…
17 Completely Selfish Reasons to Be a Mentor [217 words]
There are 7 billion altruistic reasons to be a mentor: one for each person on the planet. In case you’re not motivated by do-gooderism, I’ve compiled more than a dozen completely selfish reasons to sign up to be a mentor. Why Be a Mentor? Combat the Dunning-Kruger Effect and Impostor Syndrome…
Network Beyond Your Industry: 7 reasons to connect with “outsiders” [581 words]
Network as Broadly as Possible In my programs on networking, I stress the importance of diversifying your professional network. This includes expanding your network beyond your current industry. The first step in assembling your CHAMP network, after all, is to build a relationship with your customer. And customers almost always…
7 Signs You’re the Office Bully [316 words]
Author’s note: This article is adapted from my book, Network Beyond Bias. 7 Questions for Self-Reflection Think there’s no way you’re an office bully? Ask yourself the following questions, and answer them honestly: In the last six months, have I told someone they’re being “too sensitive” in response to something…
Microaggressions: You SHOULD Sweat the Small Stuff! [853 words]
Author’s note: This article is adapted from my book, Network Beyond Bias. Walking Away with Papercuts Before we talk about microaggressions, let’s engage in a thought experiment: Imagine for a moment that every time you interacted with a particular colleague (we’ll call them Pat), you walked away with a papercut.…
5 Easy Ways to Show Respect for Trans People [493 words]
Author’s note: This article is adapted from my book, Network Beyond Bias. You don’t need to understand someone to show respect for them. Respect can be defined as “to feel or show polite or courteous responses to the wishes or judgments of others.” For trans and nonbinary individuals, respect means…
Disrupt the Gender Binary in 5 Simple Steps [294 words]
Author’s note: This article is adapted from my book, Network Beyond Bias. What does “gender binary” mean? The term “gender binary” refers to the either/or view that people, traits, or behaviors are innately male or innately female, with no gray area in between. Gender binary constraints limit everyone’s ability to…